Bamboo and Orchids

Taijiquan School Heidelberg

New Courses


A new course begins on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 20:00

Classes are held weekly. Entry is possible at any time.

Qi Gong

A new course begins on Monday 23rd September 2024 at 18:00.

Classes are held weekly. Entry is possible at any time.


  monday tuesday wednesday
18:00 Qi Gong Chen 9 form Chen II
19:00 Chen IV Chen II Chen 38 form
20:00 Chen I neu

Course Fees

Courses are weekly and run for ten weeks.

A course of ten 60 minute classes costs 150, - €

For students and unemployed the charge is reduced to 140, - €

The course fee is due at the end of the first lesson.

By agreement it may be paid in two instalments of 50% of the course fee, after the first and sixth lessons.

Health insurance funds may reimburse your fees: depending on the health insurance policy, it can be up to 80% of fees per year.

Supplementary courses and private lessons are available by arrangement.